Showing posts with label palais du luxembourg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palais du luxembourg. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2011

jardin du luxembourg

a gorgeous garden in the heart of paris, le jardin du luxembourg is full of lush green grass (that you can't sit on), carved stone vases cradling vibrant pink flowers, dramatic marble statues ..& it has actual street n names within the park.
i love all the little floating boats that bob along in the lake in front of le palais du luxembourg (the impressive palace that overlooks the gardens - home to a museum, i think??). these "luxembourg boats" are in all colours of the rainbow, and each has a little theme. whether it be the colours & flag of a certain country, a skull & cross-bones, or 'MP' with a little silhouette of mary poppins...they've thought of everything. 
you can hire the boats just next to the lake, where they also give you a long wooden stick to....well, i'm not really sure what you do with the stick... poke the boat to push it further out into the water?? i'll pay more attention next time ;-)

we came on a hot day, so we located a few of the little chairs that are dotted across the garden (which, surprisingly, you don't have to pay to sit in. this is unheard of in paris!), dragged them over to the lake's edge and sank into them. admittedly not as comfortable as lounging around on grass, but still as lovely & enjoyable as ever to relax by the water, chatting & watching the luxembourg boats sail by...

à la prochaine,

so many wonder the gardens are flawless!
forbidden grass! nooooo
crêperie in the luxembourg gardens
luxembourg palace