Showing posts with label christo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christo. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

centre pompidou

made a beeline for the pompidou centre today. it's in the beaubourg area/4th arrondissment, almost right next to les halles - paris' massive underground-ish shopping area. 
the huge art gallery/modern art museum/arts college was built in the 70s and named after then president georges pompidou. it's focus is on modern art - so everything post 1860-ish. the building ruffled a few feathers when it was first opened because it was considered 'ugly', especially within the beautiful (old) quartier de beaubourg. this was because all of the electrical wiring, plumbing, escalators, etc. were placed on the exterior of the building, rather than hiding them within the walls/interior. buuuuut, i think people have warmed to it, and these days it's instantly recognisable with its bold & bright green, red, blue and yellow pipes. i like it, anyway.

right in front of the gallery is place de georges pompidou, where you almost always find a street performer or two (there always seems to be two old men who make models out of matches...). just next to that there's la fontaine stravinsky, dedicated to the composer igor stravinsky. there's little café's lining the edge of the fountain - i made myself comfortable here in the sunshine (together with an ice-cold orange juice) and finished up some homework for my language course.

i managed to while away 6 hours inside the centre pompidou. there were just so many different works to see (some of which were more interesting than others), and having studied a good hunk of them at school i really enjoyed seeing the real things, right in front of me. i managed to get into the gallery for free (somehow convinced the ticket-man that i was an eu citizen), so i made the most of it - visiting everything that was open to the public. being the cool gal that i am, i even got an audio guide to lug around with me. 

pop art, op art, minimalism, abstraction, arte povera, fauvism, dada, cubism - what doesn't this place have?!? some of my favs were yves klein's works in his trademark monochrome blue ('yves klein blue'), christo's 'package on a table' & chuck close's mosaïc-ed 'arne'. love this gallery - yes, even after 6 hours wandering around it's exhibitions...

à bientôt,

place du berger
stravinsky fountain... with no water
sasa, anatsui
bottlecap & scrap metal cloak - sasa, anatsui detail
ten lizes, warhol
ten lizes, warhol detail
ten lizes, warhol detail
arne, close
arne, close detail
tabula, hantaï
le jardin d'hiver, debuffet
opalka 1965/1 - ∞, opalka
opalka 1965/1 - ∞, opalka detail
aménagement de l'antichambre des appartements privés du palais de l'elysée pour le président georges pompidou, agam
aménagement de l'antichambre des appartements privés du palais de l'elysée pour le président georges pompidou, agam
red sock in yellow box, filliou
red sock in yellow box, filliou
dresseur d'animaux, picabia
sans titre, zaugg
bouloum, mourgue
untitled, guyten/walker
untitled, guyten/walker
untitled (last night), gonzalez-torres
sans titre, wörsel
"shut the fuck up", general idea
monochrome bleu, yves klein
plaster surrogates, mccollum
deux négresses, matisse
le luxe I, matisse
atelier de la modiste, picasso
fontaine, duchamp
dancer/danger, duchamp
le jardin de la france, ernst
miaudulation de fritance, arman
miaudulation de fritance, arman detail
portrait de la journaliste sylvia von harden, otto dix
package on a table, christo
package on a table, christo detail
réinstallation II, morellet
untitled (black, red over black on red), rothko
nu aux bras levés, rouault
my way, temporary othoniel exhibition
othoniel exhibition
le grand noeud autoporté, othoniel
appropriated girl with a pearl earring